Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year

Skipping ahead for a post, I have more to catch up on but I just wanted to post about the new year and show some updated pics of the boys.

 Our years blessings come in the form of two beautiful healthy children. These kids have brought our family so much life, learning and love. Not a moment goes by where we aren't amazed at their wit, charm and random comments that make our life so entertaining. They are our greatest life choice. We are so excited for the new year and all their new firsts and adventures.

 We aren't big on going out for New Years or resolutions. But we are big on lists and that's how things get done at our house. I write them, Jason completes them, ha ha just kidding. But I do make lots of lists and for 2013 I made one of 13 things to do in 2013, not a resolution or empty promise, not specific things but list to keep me responsible to achieve these.

1. When in doubt choose the kids
2. Make better meals-fresher foods
3. Take better care of our home that gets neglected so much
4. Back off online shopping- we do not need more stuff
5. Simplify. Keep cleaning/organizing and removing stuff that isn't necessity.
6. Waste less- money, time, energy
7. More travel- the boys got luggage for Christmas ;)
8. More outdoors- camping, parks, bike rides, mini-golfing, baseball games, etc
9. More date-nights for me and the hubby
10.Actually do Pinterest crafts/recipes
11.Don't sweat the small stuff- I learned from the CT shooting to stop complaining.
12.Go to a photography workshop and expand my learning
13.Start actually saving in our  savings account.

We're starting this list tonight, we turned down a few new years offers and chose to stay home and make a fancy dinner together shrimp scampi- a pinterest recipe. Cheers to a Happy Fresh New Year for you as well, may it be your best year yet.

My baby will soon be 1- happy/sad about it. Makes me want maybe 1 more.

I don't think a parent could be more proud of a child than I am of Teag. He's an excellent big brother, he is fully potty trained and mom's little helper, plus he sings! ha ha

Peek A Boo...his favorite

This little boy melts my heart, he is absolutely beautiful

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Barn dance

So, I'm really behind with my personal blog like MONTHS. But that's a good thing because I have a lot to share but I was at least living life in the moment. I am learning to pull away from the computer especially since I have no editing to do. I am absorbing all my time with my family that is possible before the new wedding season begins. I actually LOVE winter for this very reason, I love snuggle movie nights and being snowed in and not leaving the house for an entire weekend. My boys are growing I need to be bored in my life for awhile. So, I haven't been super worried about my personal or business blog for that matter. Its nice to update on occasion but the break feels good. Now that the holidays are over I feel calmer, I'm trying to play catch up now in a lot of areas of life. My blogs, my house, my friends, my books and my movies. So here goes, time to get the blog caught up.

Starting with one of my favorite weekends of the year. The last weekend in September. First of all its my very favorite time of year, its also cranfest and so many people (family) come down to walk the packed streets of what I think is a a piece of real life etsy. The girls always get a free day to shop (7am-5pm) and eat deep fried foods.

This year Kathy (mother in law) also did her first ever barn dance. Kathy wanted to thank her friends and family for help and support the last couple years. She put on a fun dance with live music and lots of good eats. I brought the camera along to get a few shots.

I take these photos of memories for us, our family and hope to make albums to pass on one day. Right now they are just computer files but I hope they becoming old photos in a book someone finds. So the purpose is not photography related, its not about my camera, skills, definitely not about exposure, or focus (because most of these are lacking) or editing none of that. These are probably most understood by people who were there. I didn't try to so any post processing with the exception of some black and white photos. And I can't seem to remove the stupid watermark yet. So that's it. That's your disclaimer- this isn't about good photos but about good times.

Big grandma & Little grandma- in that order!
my maniac brother in law..the video monitor police

how T fell asleep

The barn dance was so fun, hopefully an annual cranfest weekend addition, I know my kids loved the music and running around freely. I loved visiting with everyone and relaxing.

I'll be updating more posts soon if your interested in following

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Best day

This summer has really been the best- we now have Cooper and Teag is at the age that he really enjoys and appreciates the fun things we can do. Although the summer was so hot and miserable- this particular day was perfect. We made the best of it and spontaneously took off to the Dells. I am so glad I scaled back on weddings this year, we got to do a lot of fun things with the boys.  Teag is so fun to watch as we do these things- his eyes light up. Being parents is the coolest thing we have ever done.

We started out at the Wisconsin Dells Deer Park- yep- it's still there, this is one of the places I remember my grandparents bringing me to the most, I am so glad its still here for my kids, although I have to wonder who loved it more? Jason or the boys?

Poor deer, they don't know what he would like to do to them, maybe he should have chose a different shirt than under armour HUNT?

Teag was not afraid of the deer at all, he is getting so big and grown up!

Run for your life deer!

Mini Coop

"Look! A chicken for Bama"

Lunch with my Dad and at my fav spot- High Rock Cafe

Mini Coop and Grandpa Lance- He has a little influence with Cooper's name

Definitley not a food photog- but this salad was off the hook

Jason caught Teag and I goofing around- I didn't even notice he was doing it, love these!

Teag's & Cooper's first Mini-Golf adventure, Teag loved it, Cooper slept through it

Serious-legit-no lie- not set up- Teag got a hole in one!

On the way home we stopped at Burr Oak Winery- where we got married almost 5 years ago, it's still my favorite wine ever, we're in the case club

Jason and I have been big fans of the winery long before we got married, I still love that place the same as I did the first time we stepped in it.