Thursday, September 13, 2012

Best day

This summer has really been the best- we now have Cooper and Teag is at the age that he really enjoys and appreciates the fun things we can do. Although the summer was so hot and miserable- this particular day was perfect. We made the best of it and spontaneously took off to the Dells. I am so glad I scaled back on weddings this year, we got to do a lot of fun things with the boys.  Teag is so fun to watch as we do these things- his eyes light up. Being parents is the coolest thing we have ever done.

We started out at the Wisconsin Dells Deer Park- yep- it's still there, this is one of the places I remember my grandparents bringing me to the most, I am so glad its still here for my kids, although I have to wonder who loved it more? Jason or the boys?

Poor deer, they don't know what he would like to do to them, maybe he should have chose a different shirt than under armour HUNT?

Teag was not afraid of the deer at all, he is getting so big and grown up!

Run for your life deer!

Mini Coop

"Look! A chicken for Bama"

Lunch with my Dad and at my fav spot- High Rock Cafe

Mini Coop and Grandpa Lance- He has a little influence with Cooper's name

Definitley not a food photog- but this salad was off the hook

Jason caught Teag and I goofing around- I didn't even notice he was doing it, love these!

Teag's & Cooper's first Mini-Golf adventure, Teag loved it, Cooper slept through it

Serious-legit-no lie- not set up- Teag got a hole in one!

On the way home we stopped at Burr Oak Winery- where we got married almost 5 years ago, it's still my favorite wine ever, we're in the case club

Jason and I have been big fans of the winery long before we got married, I still love that place the same as I did the first time we stepped in it.

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