Monday, February 4, 2013

About a boy

For me, sometimes it's hard to live in the now. I always think "when I am a mom", "when I have a family"..duh. I'm there. I have to spend more time in the now looking at things around me and my kids day to day. All I care about is that they are happy. What's their day look like? As I was looking through some CF cards gathering photos for a holiday blog to share, I noticed all of these pics from a day home with Teag. yes, he knew I was taking his picture but NO. I didn't tell him what to do, where to stand, when to laugh. He just did his thing and I tried snapping photos of him without being too obvious, the result is some of my very favorite pics of him. Playing and being Teag (FYI: His name is actually Teag not Teagen).

I was recently invited to a photographers party where we have to share a photo that is most important to us, last year I shared a business-type photo of my last wedding I shot of the year and it represented where I wanted the next year to go. Everyone else had much deeper stories to share. This year, I still do not have a deeper story to share, I am blessed in this life. While edited the BW ones (SOOC for color) I teared up, happy tears. My babies are happy. I love my family and they are the absolute hands down most important photos I could ever take. Memories of their childhood is priceless, 50 years from now I will not be looking at the wedding photos I once took, I will be looking at albums, blogs or what have you of my babies.

Woody's best friend

What a faker

I really am getting the holidays post put together, I was just side-tracked with these. I can't believe he is mine, he's so funny and smart and even though he has a bad hair cut in these photos (dad did a number on the bangs) he's the cutest little boy I have ever seen. Being a mom is the greatest, hardest, best thing I have ever done.

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